In early 2018, RG NDT International, Inc. took charge of the ShotChek product line with its acquisition of Inspection Research from Indutronics. Since then, our goal has been to deliver nothing short of excellence. We have strived to do more than merely uphold the standards previously set: We raised the bar.
Should I purchase a ShotChek?
If you are trying to get started in the pipe inspection business, then the answer is probably yes. While there are an extensive number of Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) techniques, flux leakage is one of the most common and versatile.
Flux leakage inspection is achieved through magnetization of the specimen. The resulting magnetic field is then inspected for anomalies. In areas where pitting, corrosion, or cracking has occurred, the magnetic field essentially leaks from the specimen. These leaks can be found through the use of magnetic detectors, such as coils and iron powder.
But, how do you actually magnetize the specimen?
To explain that, let’s focus on oil country tubulars, since that is our area of expertise. The two most common methods are:
- Use a magnetizing coil. This is a great method; we use coils to magnetize pipe as it runs through our EMI Inspection Systems. The only deterrent is the increase in cost.
- Use a shooting system and central conductor. This method is quick and relatively cheap. The shooting system can be either a capacitor discharge unit or battery-pack.
Method #2 is where the ShotChek comes into play. When using a shooting system, it is imperative to understand and verify the current pulse amplitude and pulse duration exerted, as these have a direct relationship with the amount of flux induced into the specimen.
The ShotChek captures both the current pulse peak and duration of the pulse. It lets you rest assured that you haven’t over or under magnetized your tubular product. And it does it all without ever requiring an electric connection to the current source (shooting system).
It is not required that the ShotChek verify every shot fired from the shooting system; instead, the ShotChek is often used to calibrate and verify the current output of a shooting system. This means that with the purchase of a single ShotChek, your company can maintain and operate several shooting systems simultaneously.
You can even use your ShotChek to calibrate shooting systems for other companies
Introducing the ShotChek IV!

We are proud to present the new and improved ShotChek IV. Our development team put extensive time and research into ensuring that this is the most reliable and accurate product on the market.
- Great for Capacitive Discharge units
- Accuracy levels up to ± 00.08 kiloamps
- Verify high-speed current pulses
- Measures up to 30kA
- Battery powered
- Pulses up to 40 milliseconds long
Repair & Calibration
No matter the ShotChek model ( I, II, III, or IV), we have you covered.